Connecting with your Spirit Guides

Connecting with your Spirit Guides

When things become turbulent in your life, or you're dealing with a lot of stress and anxiety, you can often feel alone and lost. In the fast paced western world we live in, we can easily become disconnected from who we are and from spirit, so although it can take some time to reconnect, doing so can help you feel as though you have a team of supporters by your side cheering you on at every step.

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Connecting with your guides can take time, like any relationship you need to nurture it and build on it with consistent time and effort, but there is no time like the present to get started!

1. Find yourself a quiet space, light candles/ incense, play music (without words) and keep your journal nearby plus any other items of significance to you - jewellery or crystals etc.

2. Start your meditation with slow, deep breaths, focusing on the inhale and exhale. When thoughts arise, reconnect to the breath - this may take some time if you are new to meditation.

3. Once you have settled into your breath, begin to visualise a space, somewhere you feel alive and at ease- this could be outdoors in a garden, by a lake, at the ocean, inside in a temple- somewhere that feels connected and sacred to you. (You don't have to of physically been to this place).


This contains an image of: greenery..

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4.In your mind, ask your spirit guide to come forward- do this from a place of love and trust. Follow your trail of thought accept what pops into your mind first, observe everything about your guide. Are they human, an animal or even a mythical creature? What colour are their eyes, their hair? Are they old or young. Ask your guide for their name.

5. At this point it is up to you what happens next, try not to force any thoughts or actions, allow your mind to free flow, perhaps your guide has a gift for you? Do you have questions for them? Perhaps it is enough for you to spend time in their presence.

6. When you are ready to leave, show gratitude to your guide, thank them for showing up and thank them for all the guidance they have provided you. 

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Know that this sacred space is yours to return to whenever you need to. You can use aids such as crystals to help you reconnect such as Angelite, Celestite & Seraphenite are all great. 
It is worth journalling after your meeting, describe what you saw, felt, smell- who your guide was, what they looked like, how you felt emotionally in their presence and in the presence of your sacred space. 
When you come to your daily spiritual practices, such as smoke cleansing, pulling tarot or oracle cards or the like, call on you spirit guide to support you (you don't need to do the full meditation). I'd love to hear how you get on with this! 
Our Celestial candle is a great tool to help you connect, scented with coconut, vanilla, musk and soft flowers, infused with Angelite. 
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