What is the Spring Equinox & how to make the most of it in 2023

What is the Spring Equinox & how to make the most of it in 2023

Spring Equinox takes place in 2023 on the 20th March, marking the transition from shedding the old (leaves falling, winter, hibernation) to welcoming in the new- rebirth (flowers bloom, nature coming alive). 

It is not only the awakening of nature, but also the awakening of your dreams, goals, ambitions! In the west we celebrate January 1st as the start of the new year, however energetically this is completely out of alignment.

 We may feel some get up and go for 1st Jan due to it being Capricorn season (a typically highly ambitious and driven star sign), however you might notice how much you struggle with January, yet come alive in March/April?

[Image: Pinterest

Here are some ways to make the most of the Spring Equinox:

Reflect on your New Years Goals/Resolutions, do they still align, have you stayed committed? 

Set your space, light a candle, open a window to allow in the sounds of nature- or better yet go out into nature (your garden or local park is fine!) Meditate and allow yourself to go inwards. Ask yourself what does your dream life look like? Try not to let ego take over here - and reset your goals for the year.


 [Image: Pinterest]

Try a new hobby, take that class you've always wanted to do- now is the time to ignite your passions, hobbies and interests!

[Image: Pinterest]

Spring clean! Clear out old clothes, make-up, all the 'stuff' you've horded or been energetically holding onto. Want to invite a new romance but still holding onto your ex's hoodie? Throw it out! We have to let go and clear out the old to be able to welcome in the new.


[Image: Pinterest]

Write a letter to your old self, tell them everything you've achieved, forgive yourself for the mistakes or hurt from your past, tell yourself about your dreams and ambitions that you are going to achieve.

However you choose to celebrate, make sure that what you are doing comes with intention, intention to grow energetically and spiritually. Be present, put down your phone and fully immerse yourself into the moment.

Let us know over on Instagram how you are celebrating the Equinox! Shop our Limited Edition Spring Equinox Candle here.

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